Home interior tactics to create a moody atmosphere | WindowArt

When you step into a room, what you see should have an effect on you, and if it doesn’t then you have a little work to do on your home interior.

What inspires the cozy home feeling? It could mean a sunshine palette to warm your interiors, a room with dim lights and dark hues of décor and paint, perhaps a few candles to light your way, or is it a home filled with meaningful belongings? The point is a cozy home is not something you can replicate straight out of a décor magazine, a cozy home is one that depicts your family’s personality and fills you with pride the moment you step through the door. Everything you bring into your home can influence your mood. Here’s how to ensure your home interior shows off exactly what makes your home unique and interesting.

Welcome nature into your home with open arms

There’s a reason why people spend a lot of time outdoors – it has a positive effect on your mood. So, find ways that you can bring the outside in. Even a small home interior has room for a tiny fish tank to hold a few goldfish. Treat yourself to fresh flowers every now and again. Firstly you deserve it, and secondly it will instantly uplift your home. You can bring in a few flowers straight from your garden or buy some from your local market.

Keep vintage items to help bring back memories

Keep vintage, worn items, old books, your favourite records or a mini collection of ornaments. You can put your vintage items on display behind a glass cabinet and it will give you that warm feeling every time you look at it. Not everything needs to be shiny and new in your home.

Colour is a natural mood-setter

We are drawn to the colour yellow because it’s a happy colour. However, golden tones offer a more natural setting in homes. If you want to use yellow in your décor, you should make sure that it does not overpower the room. Do this by placing accents of yellow here and there in splashes around the room. You can add your yellow accents by placing a yellow vase filled with flowers on a coffee table, a painting on the wall with hints of this pretty primary colour and finally, add a yellow throw off the edge of the couch. But remember too much yellow in a room makes everything look clumsy, the colour yellow is too domineering to be left to its own devices.  

How to pull off the feeling of absolute serenity

When it comes to paint, soft furnishings and décor, there is no such things as bad paint or patterns only bad combinations. It’s what can make or break a room. Using light white or creamy soft furnishings instantly soothes the soul. This hue can be repeated throughout the room as long as you use dreamy textures and varied shapes. But you don’t want your home interior to come off as ‘too plain.’ In a bedroom for instance, you could add a touch of gold drapes to exude sensuality and warmth. You could also incorporate blue and white in your bedroom as this promotes harmony, balance and relaxation.

How to use lighting to set a mood

Lighting plays a vital role in enhancing the décor of any room. But your light source needs to be flexible enough to allow for different lighting at various times of the day. Lighting can also be beautiful, think about the glow of candles or the shimmer of hung fairy lights. To set the right mood during the day rely on natural lighting, and when evening sets in a softer glow will do just fine. You can use light features to highlight the interesting elements of a room – place lampshades on a side table full of books or alongside window covered in decorative film. Uplights will lead your eye upward, making a ceiling appear higher, while downlights will create shadows above the shade, making your ceiling appear lower. Use light to achieve the effect you want in a room, having a dark ceiling will absorb the light and a lighter ceiling painted in white will reflect light downwards.

You’re nearly there. As a finishing touch, how about an elegant window treatment to bring the room together? Our window film creates a mood by letting in just the right amount of natural light that filters through and creates a shadowy effect in any room. We firmly believe that window film is the crowning glory of any room. To ensure yours comes out looking beautiful and creates the right mood contact us today to find out more.

Image Credit: http://debitreloar.com/project/indoor/

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