Before the intervention of modern sandblasters, man had to rely on nature to smooth out surfaces. The sandblasting journey began when Benjamin Tilghman developed a machine in 1870 that could remove paint and rust from surfaces paving the way for further practical use. Thomas Pangborn improved Tilghman’s design by including a mixture of compressed air and sand to clean metal. Modern sandblasters aren’t limited to industrial use, they have become a form of artistic expression, particularly within the window design landscape.
The sandblasting glass process
On a basic level, sandblasting glass is literally forcing pieces of sand through a narrow opening at high speeds. The sand blasting worker can then focus on the areas that need to be addressed. The process can be applied to a variety of materials such as ceramics and steel. Sand is the recommended material to use, however, this could have serious health implications, caused by inhaling the dust particles created in the sandblasting process. You could make use of other materials, but you may not receive the end-product you had in mind. Special care should be taken during the sandblasting process. Workers must wear protective gear such as gloves and consider an alternate air supply.
Why you shouldn’t consider the sandblasting glass technique for your home
For starters the process generates sparking and static electricity. The risk associated with this scenario is clear and no-one wants to start a fire in their house. You will also put yourself at a greater risk of obtaining airborne diseases such as silicosis, especially if you haven’t taken the necessary precautions. When sandblasting material comes into contact with bare skin there is a risk of permanent injury. And this is a possibility since fast-flying material can find its way to you, your house plants or pets. This material can stay there without your knowledge. And above all of this risk, it’s an expensive procedure.
Get the same decorative appeal with none of the drawbacks
There is no need to put yourself and your home environment in harm\’s way when a simpler, safer and more environmentally friendly alternative exists. Unlike sandblasting, glass vinyl art is not a permanent fixture, it’s easy to remove without anyone realising there was anything ever there. We can give you a wide range of designs to choose from or you can suggest something that’s close to your heart, such as a family crest, motto or a particular design that’s taken your fancy. Or you can choose a Shutterstock image instead. The possibilities are endless and the power is in your hands.
Sandblasted glass will collect dirt over time and the etched design can prove troublesome to clean. You won’t have to face this problem using vinyl art’s moisture-proof texture. Vinyl art instantaneously transforms practical windows into works of art. Don’t believe us? Have a look at our stunning designs and patterns. For more information or inspirational guidance, download our sandblasting vs. window frosting guide located below.