Five creative glass partitioning ideas | WindowArt

Glass partitioning has many uses in both office and home environments. Glass is a popular material for partitioning because it has an elegant, modern appearance and also promotes the flow of natural light.

Glass partitioning needn’t consist of plain, completely transparent panes of glass. With a little creativity, glass partitioning can be both an attractive and functional décor element.

1. Use vinyl frosting to transform glass partitioning into eye-catching art installations.

Frosted vinyl decals applied to glass partitioning can be creatively designed to include eye-catching motifs or beautiful artwork. Alternatively, decals can take the form of motivational catchphrases or company branding.

Glass partitioning is popular in the workplace because it retains a fluid feeling of openness and collaboration between employees. However, in some instances more privacy is required. Vinyl frosting is a versatile way to not only decorate glass partitioning, but to increase the privacy level, too.

Frosted vinyl decal designs can be manipulated to provide whatever level of privacy you require. Frosted glass is an excellent choice for office partitioning because it doesn’t block out natural light. It does diffuse glare, however, which is extremely useful when working on computer monitors.

2. Glass partitioning can double as trendy glass writing boards.

By applying frosted window vinyl to one side, glass partitioning can function as a modern glass writing board. Contemporary glass writing boards are much more attractive than traditional whiteboards, which become grey and grubby over time.

3. Smart glass gives offices an impressive and ultra-modern look.

Smart glass, also called switchable glass, is glass that can change from transparent to translucent or opaque whenever activated. If you have the budget for it, using smart glass for glass partitioning gives your office a ‘wow’ factor – switching glass from clear to opage at the flick of a switch is an impressive spectacle.

4. Glass bricks can be used for more solid glass partitioning.

Walls built from glass bricks can provide a more solid, sound-proof glass partitioning option. Because only vague, warped figures can be seen through glass brick walls, they provide a high level of privacy without completely blocking out natural light. Intersperse clear glass bricks with bricks made from coloured glass for a fun, offbeat effect.

5. Use frosted glass partitioning creatively in the home.

Glass partitioning isn’t just for the office – glass partitioning can be used to separate your en suite bathroom from your bedroom, divide rooms into separate spaces or partially conceal a small dressing area in the master bedroom. Again, frosted window vinyl allows you to control the privacy level of glass partitioning without sacrificing natural light. Flattering natural light is especially useful in bathrooms and dressing areas. The versatility of frosted window vinyl decals means that they can be designed to suit any décor theme or personal taste.

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