Our featured installation this week showcases diamond shaped stairwell windows at a luxury day spa. Considering the nature of the business and the intimate setting that a spa environment requires, privacy was a top concern for the owner of this establishment.
These stairwell windows allow for natural light to illuminate an otherwise dark passageway between the floors.
The stairs experience constant foot traffic of guests who are often in their complimentary robes, moving from one treatment room to another or off to enjoy a glass of bubbles on the deck. These small windows allow for natural light to brighten the stairwell, but ensure maximum privacy from outsiders.
The owner of this establishment found that considering the size and shape of these windows, the only applicable window treatment option was frosted tinted glass.
After looking into various window treatment options, the owner found that the only realistic solution for these particular windows was frosted tinted glass. This type of tinted glass would ensure maximum privacy but still allow natural light to stream in.
Coloured tinted glass would allow for natural lighting in the stairwell and offer excellent privacy during daylight hours, but during the dark winter months or in the evenings when the lights are turned on, the tint would offer no privacy whatsoever. Using frosting on the glass meant that any time of the day, lights switched on or off, the privacy of the clientele is maintained.
The frosted tinted glass allowed for a bit of design to be included on these windows.
While it is a very simple diamond design, it offers an enhanced aesthetic that would not be present with any other type of glass treatment. The owner of this luxury day spa has made an effort to beautify the establishment with beautiful interior design. Choosing frosted tinted glass for these stairwell windows resonated with the owner as they could ‘leave no stone unturned’ with the interior décor and even allow for a bit of design in this high traffic area.